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"Why Continue to Deploy Old Monitoring Gear? This is How to Escape the Legacy Trap..."

If you're stuck with a legacy monitoring system, stop deploying legacy alarm collection gear. You're probably only deploying it because it's the status quo. You get an order, you fill it, and you deploy it. But what you don't know is that you're really just getting deeper into a bad situation.

Stop Deploying Legacy Gear
If you're still deploying legacy
gear, STOP. This is how to escape
from your outdated monitoring system

Now, it's time to start digging yourself out. In this case, what's convenient to deploy isn't what's right. The 2 simple scenarios below are your answer to the trap of deploying outdated monitoring gear.

If you're still deploying legacy gear, you already know that:

  • That 80's and 90's technology just isn't cutting it anymore
  • It's getting harder and harder to keep your system running
  • You probably aren't getting much support from the manufacturer.

A modern monitoring system would solve all of these problems, but you can't simply throw out your legacy equipment and purchase new remotes for all your sites. Almost no one has the budget or engineering resources for that, and it's never good to scrap equipment that is still somewhat useful.

Fortunately, there is a way to transition to contemporary monitoring technology without throwing away your existing investment in remotes.

Scenario 1: Your Legacy Master is Your Only Master

Step 1: replace your legacy master with a Modern Multi-Protocol Master There's no excuse for running a legacy master. It's a single point of failure and the easiest equipment to swap out. That is, of course, as long as you find a modern master that can poll your existing legacy remotes.

A multi-protocol master like T/Mon NOC will bridge the gap between your existing legacy investment and modern technology. Because it can poll over 25 protocols in addition to modern SNMP, T/Mon allows you to poll both new and existing remotes with the same system.

Step 2: Replace Your Legacy Remotes as Needed, Over Multiple Budget Cycles With your master successfully replaced, take a minute to breathe a sigh of relief. You've just lifted a big weight from your shoulders. Now you have the freedom to replace remotes as needed - and as your budget allows.

Over time, you'll smoothly transition from your legacy remotes to any of several NetGuardian models. These modern remotes will be a welcome change compared to the limited functionality you've had to live with for so long.

Scenario 2: You Have a Legacy Master, But You Also Have Your Forward-Looking SNMP Platform

Step 1: Replace Your Legacy Master with a Modern Multi-Protocol Master

Step 2: As you lose sites to attrition, migrate them to new RTUs

Step 3: Budget permitting, move out legacy gear in phases so you can decommission your legacy master.

Don't Wait Any Longer to Move Away from Risky Legacy Gear Now you know these 2 simple steps to end your deployment of legacy gear, gradually and on your own terms. There's no reason why you shouldn't call DPS today at 1-800-693-0351 and get more information. It only takes a few minutes, and you'll be relieved to know - with certainty - that there's a better solution out there...

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