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SMS Receiver Overview

The SMS Receiver allows you to utilize wireless RTUs with your alarm master station without paying for an expensive third-party data provider or opening a hole in your firewall to receive alarms on your master station.

Wireless RTUs used to create a lot of unwanted hassle. To send alarms to your master station, you had to pay your cellular carrier or a third party data provider for a static IP address. Then, you had to punch a hole in your firewall to get that data back into your network, a security risk that some IT departments simply weren't willing to take.

SMS network alarm receiver
The SMS Receiver forwards alarms from your CDMA/GSM Wireless RTUs as SNMP to your alarm master station.

The SMS Receiver allows you to report alarms to your T/Mon or SNMP master station without paying your cellular carrier for a static IP or creating a security breach. Now you can report alarms via SMS message direct to your master station.

How it works.

Wireless SMS Web
Report alarms directly to your master station over your cellular carrier's phone network.

Rather than reporting alarms over IP, simply configure your wireless RTU to send SMS alarm notifications to your SMS Receiver. The SMS Receiver then parses the SMS Notification and forwards an SNMP trap to your T/Mon or alarm master station over LAN.

Reporting alarms via SMS rather than IP allows you to bypass the traditional hassles of wireless IP-based alarm reporting. One SMS Receiver can report alarms for multiple RTUs as well, allowing you to cheaply and easily employ wireless RTUs or establish a backup alarm-reporting path over wireless devices.

For further information regarding SMS monitoring applications:

Wireless GSM/CDMA Knowledge Base

Ordering Options

SMS Receiver
Forward SMS notifications sent from wireless RTUs. They are sent as SNMP traps. The SNMP traps will be received by your T/Mon or SNMP Master Station. This is done with the SMS Receiver.

Selectable Configuration Options
CDMA or GSM Wireless Modem