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Reserve Your Seat TodayIt's impossible to be everywhere at once.
If you're a small business owner, you can't watch the storeroom and the front counter all at one time. And, if you own a large corporation, there's no easy way to view what is going on in your entire operation, especially at remote sites. If you manage multiple company locations, you know that it's impossible to have eyes everywhere.
Large industries or utilities that operate many remote sites know this problem all too well. Unmanned sites especially are vulnerable to theft and vandalism. Implementing a network of remote terminal units (RTUs) for the monitoring of equipment ensures a cost-effective way to physically secure your remote sites.
Implementing a network of remote terminal units (RTUs) for the monitoring of equipment ensures a cost-effective way to physically secure your remote sites.
RTUs can save you money and keep your workers safe and productive. You can enjoy automated responses and technological solutions that reduce windshield time and prevent unnecessary trips to remote, challenging sites. Above all, the number one advantage of using a remote terminal unit is both an immediate and long-term ROI that can transform your business.
The main problem with maintaining multiple remote stations containing mechanical or electric equipment is that anything can go wrong at any time. You might have a sudden storm that floods your unit, or an unlocked door might prove too tempting to a thief. There are generally no down hours where you can let down your guard. It's a 24/7 situation.
Let's do some quick math.
= Site Count x $100,000
= $5,000+
We know that guarding your equipment is not the only cost when it comes to remote monitoring. If you don't know exactly what is going on at your stations, you could have long-term and serious outages, costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars.
We've had some clients that have RTUs in snowy, nearly-inaccessible locations. For both safety and budgetary reasons, they only wanted to send people out when it was absolutely necessary. A sophisticated network of RTUs helped them automatically understand when on-site help was needed and when it wasn't. RTUs saved them many critical man-hours.
There are a number of things that can go wrong at unmanned stations. These can be both environmental and human-caused; accidental and intentional. Whatever the cause, you need to protect your physical assets. Here are some key considerations:
The great advantage of RTUs is that you can solve these problems easily - and often automatically.
How do networks of RTUs solve these problems? One way RTUs help is by offering technological solutions to common physical security concerns, including:
RTUs let you set the parameters. If there is a raccoon that walks by and turns on the lights, without causing any further damage, you won't get an emergency alert. If there is an automatic response, it can be shut off without further action. However, if there is a problem that needs attention, you'll be alerted.
RTUs save you time and money, both by helping you prioritize important issues and by helping you address problems more proactively.
That's what a smart network of RTUs can do. It can help you determine what needs action, and what doesn't. RTUs save you time and money, both by helping you prioritize important issues and by helping you address problems more proactively.
A smart network is based on two important factors:
A network of RTUs should be set up exactly to your parameters so that you neither need to sacrifice coverage nor overspend.
The great advantage of implementing RTUs is that you don't have to be everywhere at once, and RTUs save you money - allowing you to remotely monitor all of your unmanned sites at a reasonable upfront cost.
When you work with a partner that understands your needs, provides expert support, and can set up a perfect fit remote system, you'll experience multiple physical security advantages. You'll also realize a clear ROI and keep your eyes fixed on all of your unmanned locations.
DPS Telecom has the experience and expertise to help companies who need custom-built RTUs. Our technicians can work with you to find the right RTUs for your specific needs. Reach out and get a quote today!
Photo Courtesy Pixabay