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Reserve Your Seat TodayHave you suffered through the bad news of discovering that a piece of gear your company buys is no longer supported? It may have worked perfectly, which is why you bought it in the first place, but now you have multiple problems to deal with.
First, support is discontinued. Maybe they call it "End Of Life", "Retired", or "No Longer Supported". Some of these terms sound nicer than others, but they all mean one thing: you're on your own.
Second, you can't buy this product anymore. You may have standardized on it. You might be willing to pay extra for it. None of that matters when a large manufacturer doesn't care about your operation.
The sad thing about our modern "throwaway" culture is designed obsolescence that many people have come to accept.
Companies tend to accelerate the end of the product life cycle as a sales strategy. They want to increase revenue and push you to purchase their latest and (hopefully!) greatest.
Abandoning support for the device you currently purchase may boost sales for the manufacturer, but it leaves you hanging. They're hoping that you'll be stuck needing a fast replacement. With no time to perform a cost-benefit analysis, you might just reflexively buy their newer (and probably more expensive) model.
You can never depend on a manufacturer or vendor to treat you as more than a customer. You have to look for evidence of a company that will serve you as a true client.
When you're planning your next purchase of network equipment, you need to be looking for a company and a device that will support you for perhaps 15 years into the future. This protects you, your company, and (depending on your retirement date) your successors.
You should be looking for a company that has:
I recently spoke with DPS Support Engineer Andy Yang about an interesting tech support call. It highlighted a lot of the above concepts about long-term manufacturing and avoiding "end of life" troubles:
"A call came in from our client who had an older generation of our alarm master stations. His T/Mon had been in service for over a decade. Our client was experiencing a slow response with the unit. It was completely functional (admittedly slower) only becoming a concern in the past few days. A quick review of the hardware and configuration revealed a heavy load on the processors. The root cause ultimately identified a failing hard-drive. We provided a replacement for the drive. Our client experienced minimal downtime - less than thirty minutes for a drive swap."
This client's support call demonstrated exactly what you should expect from your remote master alarm station - Reliability.
DPS engineers and manufactures it's gear all under one roof. Each component undergoes strenuous testing. Redundancy is built-in to keep you running, even if you experience those rare component failures. As your company expands, so do the workload demands. You can rely on DPS gear to keep you up.
From the physical design of the unit itself to the technical support behind it, everything about T/Mon is designed for maximum reliability. T/Mon will operate efficiently under extremes of temperature, humidity, vibration and airborne contamination.
This alarm master helps you reduce costs and gives you visibility of all your remote sites. T/Mon automates the detail work of alarm notification, saving time and reducing your dependence on NOC staff. T/Mon can automatically page repair technicians and security personnel if an alarm occurs.
Our support doesn't stop with the sale. We offer many additional services to help you get the most from your network monitoring. We are able to provide training for your staff, installation assistance and our top-rated technical support.
We will never leave you with a monitoring problem unsolved. At DPS Telecom, we see ourselves as your partner in monitoring your network securely and effectively. We always put the client's needs first. To get started on your search for a reliable alarm monitoring system, just give me a call at 559-454-1600 or email me at
Andrew Erickson
Andrew Erickson is an Application Engineer at DPS Telecom, a manufacturer of semi-custom remote alarm monitoring systems based in Fresno, California. Andrew brings more than 18 years of experience building site monitoring solutions, developing intuitive user interfaces and documentation, and opt...