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This guidebook has been created to give you the information you need to successfully implement SNMP-based alarm monitoring in your network.

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SNMP Remotes for Small, Medium, or Large Sites

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SNMP Remotes for Small, Medium, or Large Sites

Remotes with the Right Alarm Capacity for Any Size Site

In these applications, SNMP remotes located at remote sites monitor discrete (contact closure) and analog alarms and send alarms as SNMP traps to an SNMP manager via LAN.

SNMP remotes are available in different capacities to meet the needs of your remote sites. All you need to do is determine the number of contact closures, analog values or sensors, and control relays you need at each type of remote site in your network. Then choose remote telemetry units (RTUs) with the capacities that meet your needs.

SNMP Interrogator: a Short Overview and Summary of Features
The TrapManager SNMP Utility
7 Key Telemetry Functions not Supported by Off-the-Shelf SNMP Managers
SNMP Agent for T/MonXM WorkStations and Intelligent Alarm Mediators

Page Repair Technicians Automatically when SNMP Alarm Occurs

Page Repair Technicians Automatically When SNMP Alarms Occur

SNMP Alarms Clipped to Your Belt

Your maintenance crews don't sit in front of a computer all day. They're out in the field, ensuring your network provides reliable service to your customers. They're on the front lines, where network visibility is needed most. Pager notifications bring up-to-the-minute information about network problems to the personnel who can immediately correct them. Both your remotes and your master can automatically page maintenance and security staff if an alarm occurs, and send detailed notifications and instructions to alphanumeric pagers, cell phones, and PDAs.

Receive E-Mail Notification of SNMP Alarms

SNMP Alarms Right in Your Inbox

E-mail alert sends alarm events to the e-mail of select staff and creates a log of alarm events in addition to your master's. E-mail is also a great way to keep senior execs informed of alarm events. The familiar e-mail interface provides network visibility to everyone without the need for specialized training. E-mail alerts also support acknowledging alarms by sending a reply e-mail.

Expand SNMP Alarm Capacity Without Adding Extra IP Addresses

Expand SNMP Alarm Capacity Without Adding Extra IP Addresses

Ability to Handle Initial Site Capacity

Ordinarily, each SNMP remote in your network will have its own IP address. But adding an extra IP address for additional remotes as your network grows can be a drain on network resources. Here we show a site at two stages of the network build-out. In the initial phase, the site can be covered by a single SNMP remote.

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